The importance of technology

The goal of the other is to help runners avoid injury by teaching a racing technique effective and low impact. Just like in other sports, we must listen to the experts to get the most. Whether you are a beginner or high level racers, our "Learn To Run" initiative helps runners to run better and healthier.

Maintien du coureur

Learn to run

The aim of the initiative "Learn To Run" is a race proven runners to teach effectively and safely to avoid injury and run faster with less effort. Once mastered, proper technique allows you to run more effectively, less fatigue and less risk of injury.

If praticaste any other sport would you take lessons? Just as the movement than any other sport, also may be effective and ineffective. Other points to match the start of classes of racing technique throughout the country with the launch of our shoes, to help walkers to learn to run so easier, faster and with less risk of injury. Even if we were born to run, our body must be in good shape to be truly efficient.

The basics of running technique

During running, the body should be upright, balanced and protrude forward of ankles. The deep muscles are responsible to keep good posture and your back straight. The chest must push forward slightly and your arms should push back while the hips and knees extends.

Your hands should remain close to your chest, making a short swing and contained. Push back the arms and relax them by taking them forward. To help your legs to push in a straight line and the foot to rest in line with the knee bent, your arms should move back and forth swinging sideways as little as possible, while the elbows must not ever arriving in front of the trunk, unless you run a very sustained speed. The trunk must allow the foot to rise quickly and extend behind the Centre of gravity of the body. Your feet should rest on the ground in line with your knees bent, while the leg starts moving back below the body. Even if the foot rests on the ground slightly advanced position compared to its body, you will have the feeling that it is directly below it. Many people support the entire surface of the foot on the ground at the same time (midfoot). However, depending on the genetic characteristics, the type of shoes worn and the surface on which it runs, it may be a slight forefoot support or a lightweight heel support.

The support of the foot should be light and fast, at a rate of about 180 steps per minute. Running barefoot can help a lot to understand and master the proper technique for the ride.

To prevent electrical shock:

Take at least 1/3 of the distance on natural or irregular surfaces, such as grass, gravel or cobblestone: This helps you balance your muscle structure and strengthen the stabilizing muscles.

Many sporting goods stores are keeping travel lessons right now: contact your nearest store! If you don't do this, esortalo to begin with. There are many valid methods to learn proper technique, here are a few:

  • Good Form Running
  • Huaraches Forum (A Wealth of Running Knowledge)
  • RunBare & the Barefoot Running Book (Clinics & A Great Book)
  • Barefoot-Running
  • Blogs (Natural Running HQ)
  • Programmed to Run (the book on running technique most complete on the market)
  • Science of Running
  • Chi Running
  • Evolution Running
  • Pose Method

Other calls on all runners to do at least a bit of barefoot running. In addition to learning proper technique and strengthen your feet, running barefoot also brings many other benefits. There has never happened to run barefoot so far?

You can see and buy all models of running shoes the OTHER by clicking here

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