After the marathon it is important to regenerate your body, make sure you remove all the accumulated fatigue in 42km195mt. The days of competition are strictly set on energy, mineral recovery, mental muscle. It is advisable for every aspect making the necessary precautions. For the energy aspect is critical feeding well and in a balanced manner and. ..

it. .. preferring high glycemic index carbohydrates after the race and medium/low glycemic index in the next few days. Then you should choose protein sources (fish and white meat) to rebuild depleted muscles and the muscle fibers destroyed by repeated microtrauma.
It is also desirable to drink and integrate with minerals after the race and in the following days. Finally, most importantly "pull the plug" from the race for a few days to regenerate the mind. After making these measures due to recover is important to reorganize the preparation.
The ability to rearrange the preparation are different:

1°: participate in a marathon within 1 month to take advantage of current physical condition;
2°: participate in the half marathon within a month;
3°: participate in regional Championships 10 km FIDAL.

Let's see how to manage the preparation for different solutions.
Preparing for a marathon after a month
Us amateur runners we are fascinated by the idea of running two marathons within a few months of each other. Generally speaking if the previous Marathon was handled well without having accused no energy crisis it is possible to exploit the good physical condition of the moment and plan a second Marathon after 1 month (4 weeks), all depends on your ability to recover, which in turn is conditioned by your physical condition and technique (most are trained and better recovery after race), from your age (younger you are and the faster the recovery).

How do I schedule weeks post Marathon?

The physical capacity to maintain trained in the race are:

Aerobic stamina through sessions of slow Travel and travel media
-Aerobic Power, through Repeated sessions short, medium and long
Aerobic stamina through Specific sessions of Marathon pace race
-Joint mobility, using appropriate exercises to improve mobility and elasticity

Primarily the physiological goal to be reached in the weeks after race is to keep high displacement of the body through exercises that improve the anaerobic threshold (see newsletter 11 06 12 aerobic Power), all types of repeated, rapid and short (or short races). It is also important to maintain trained aerobic and particularly the specific resistance by means of rhythm training Marathon. There is no need to carry out other excessively long workouts, simply insert a session of 21/25 in two weeks after the marathon. Whatever the next competitive Marathon goal these physical qualities you must keep them trained as much as possible, especially as I improve the speed of travel. It is also crucial to enter sessions of stretching and joint mobility to regenerate the

muscles, detendere muscles and relieve joint stress.

If the goal is to participate in the regional championships on 10, Fidal then we can re-enter

a point of muscle strengthening is a natural load (climbs) and overloads with isotonic machines, anything to consolidate muscle strength.

If we are to take part in a half marathon after the Marathon there will always maintain high anaerobic threshold

but you do not need to perform any other specific training of long slow, will be more important to include sessions

average race pace half marathon or the short fast to improve the anaerobic threshold.

Now we see the different training tables based on the objective to be reached after the marathon.

Table (A) training to prepare for a marathon after 1 month from the previous

Table (B) training to prepare for a half marathon after 1 month from Marathon

Table (C) training to prepare for the Championship of FIDAL after the Marathon 10 km
The main difference in reorganizing the training after a marathon is when you must attend

FIDAL regional Championships 10 km, where the goal is to compete every Sunday, or nearly so, then you need

to train a lot about anaerobic threshold velocity, and use the running slow to regenerate the body. You could

make a point of aerobic resistance on Sunday which did not compete with Long Slow workouts.

Good run at all!
Prof. Abdullah Ignazio

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