STOCK and availability PRODUCTS

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MOTUS-WHY NOT SRL accepts customer orders within the limits of the quantity of products requested in stock. Therefore, the acceptance by MOTUS-WHY NOT SRL purchase proposal forwarded by the customer is subject to the availability in stock of the products. The availability of each article is only indicative, not binding and can not be attributed to the seller responsibility in case of unavailability of one or more products. MOTUS-WHY NOT SRL undertakes to communicate promptly to the customer any unpredictable stock breakdowns due to excess demand or other causes.

The availability of products refers to that present when the customer check out product data sheets; This must however be considered as purely indicative because, due to the simultaneous presence on the site of multiple users, the products may be sold to other prior to confirmation of order.

Even after the sending of the order confirmation email, you may encounter cases of partial or total unavailability of the goods. In this case, the customer will be informed immediately and decide whether to accept the only products available or request cancellation of the order by communicating via e-mail to customer service.

The MOTUS is able to fulfill orders on average between times and working 5 days 1gg (delivery by courier excluded). If owing to the lack of stock in stock or other unforeseeable causes are unable to process your order within the time indicated, MOTUS will promptly inform the buyer about the State of its odrine and the time of waiting.

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