The track has its merits, one of which is to have clearly defined reference points on distances of travel, but at the same time always run on the same material could create hardships tendons and ankles especially if we use shoes nailed (hopefully very few) or lighter shoes. Then surely the way a flat paved path, the more possible, straight scored every 100 meters can be an efficacious alternative to carry out quality training useful for improving their performance.

On the track or on the road, it is important to understand how to handle jobs of quality, both in terms of race pace and as recovery mode.

Repeated in the lowlands have as purpose to:

  • maximum aerobic speed (MAS);
  • improve the anaerobic threshold and then run faster;
  • improve the ability to produce large amounts of lactic acid and dispose of it as soon as possible to replace it in a circle in the blood stream;
  • improve oxygen consumption during the race;
  • improve boost and thus improve the racing technique;
  • improve fluency and nimbleness of the legs
  • improve the maintenance rate sensitivity

All these lenses you can get it if you meet certain features in the repeating and management works interspersed in General. Each change and inclusion of any aspect of the administration of the travel rate, duration of repeated, the duration and recovery mode, it becomes essential to develop or less certain physiological characteristics and techniques of our organism.


What distance to the repeated and separated?

  • Brief: from 100 to 500 m
  • Medium: from 500 to 1000mt
  • Long: from 2 km and over

The distance of repeated depends on race that are preparing and the preparation period, if we are preparing short races from 5/10 then prediligeremo short range and medium, if you are preparing a marathon prediligeremo medium and long distances at the expense of short and will not be eliminated, but limited.


As for the repeated rhythm and intervals work?

  • Brief: from 20/30 "to 5"/10 "faster than race pace over 10 km (Speed Threshold)
  • Medium: from 5 "/10" with 100% of race pace over 10 km (Speed Threshold)
  • Long: from 100% to 10 "slower than race pace over 10 km (Speed Threshold)

Everything depends on the duration and distance of repeated tests, and as we have seen above from race that we are preparing. If we assume that we have an anaerobic threshold (AVG pace races over 10 km) equal to 4 ' 00 to km, we should ensure that the repeated short are ran at a faster rate, for example, 3 ' 40, repeated repeated for example averages at a rate of 3 ' 3 ' 55/50; While the repeated long are races to threshold pace or slower (4 ' 00/' 10 to 4 km).


Which a repeated recovery and the other? And how to recover?

  • Brief: recovery equal to the duration of repeated or longer, as if I run the 200 m in 40 "(3 ' 20 km) should recover in a time between 40" and 1 ' 00;
  • Medium: recovery equal to 2/3 or 1/3 of the time of repeated, as if I run 1 km in 4 ' 00 (4 ' 00 to km) should recover in a time of 3 ' 00 for less trained or a 2 ' 00 (and even less) for the most trained; If I run instead repeated by 500mt in 1 ' 50/1 ' 55 can recover with the same time.
  • Long: recovery in a time of 1/3 compared to the duration of repeated, as if I run 2 miles in 12 ' 00 (4 ' 00 to km) should recover in about 4 ' 00, but even less for the most trained.

It is obvious that the recovery time depends on our physical condition and thus the ability to retrieve and dispose of lactic acid produced during the test. Same thing can be said with regard to the recovery mode, we can walk if you are preparing the short races and we the repeated run faster, and if we are not very trained and accustomed to this kind of training. We may run slowly or Marathon-paced if you are preparing a marathon and we're pretty well trained, in this case the repeated must be run more slowly and the distances become longer.


What the best mix? And when you put them?

For ease of administration and interpretation on the part of the athlete you can both set racing sessions interspersed only on short range, medium or long, or you can mix it all up, alternating short range, medium and long. In general, the Organization of training sessions for the repeated and interval training depends on the condition of the subject, in principle do not fit more than two training sessions interspersed throughout the week and always after about 2 days of active rest.


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