ICE Method

The purposes and effects of ice, application practiced by many professional coaches
For some time the ice was used
as relief from fatigue and to decrease
inflammations. Especially since the
RICE method became common, many
athletes and coaches have praised the ice
as a tool for first responders.
The purpose of the application of ice
Pain relief
The numbness of the region from pain relief.
Reduction of swelling
The blood vessels contract to reduce the payment
of blood inside.
Decrease in inflammation
Restricts the activity of surrounding tissue injury in order to
avoid the aggravation.
Recovery from fatigue
The blood vessels contract temporarily. You
accelerates the dissolution/absorption of lactic acid.
Return to immediate field
Temporary desensitization of the affected region.
It facilitates rehabilitation exercises.
The initial approach of treating RICE is
effective in the acute phase of injury.
The RICE treatment consists of rest/ice/compression/
1-free: If you have suffered an injury, rest
sitting on the floor or on a Chair for
prevent deterioration.
2-ICING (ice application): relieve swelling,
muscle cramps and pain by applying an ice
on the affected area.
3-compression: Prevent localized swelling and
reduce pain by compressing the area properly.
Ask the injured if it considers that the compression
applied is correct.
4-elevation: bring the affected region above the
heart level in order to avoid additional payment
of blood inside.
The application of ice is a phase
important in treating RICE.
After the accident they feel symptoms of inflammation
such as pain and swelling.
Without treatment, the damage gets worse and recovery
will be slower. Reduces ice damage by limiting pain and
swelling, also favours a rapid recovery.
Application of cold therapy
using the RICE method.
Apply ice on the affected region for
between 20 and 30 minutes.
The sensations in the affected area
follow four distinct phases:
1. you feel pins and needles.
2. cutaneous pain and feeling
3. There is a pulsing sensation/hammering.
4. numbness of the skin.
Suspend the application of ice and compress
compression for 30 minutes.
Repeat the sequence several times, depending on the severity
the lesion.

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