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Why do athletes take creatine monohydrate?

Online sale of SANTA MADRE creatine monohydrate for athletes at a discounted price

Online sale of SANTA MADRE creatine monohydrate for athletes at a discounted price

What is Creatine Monohydrate?

Before you start buying Creatine Monohydrate, let's start by clarifying what Creatine is.

Creatine is a chemical normally found in seafood and red meat that our systems produce naturally.

This chemical is capable of providing extra energy to our muscles, so it is mainly associated with improved performance during exercise and muscle mass after consumption.

Although there are no studies that prove it, apart from an improvement in performance, it is also usually used against multiple sclerosis, fatigue, muscle cramps, even against depression.

Benefits of Creatine Monohydrate

Going into more detail, buying creatine monohydrate will bring multiple advantages and benefits to our day to day, thus buying creatine monohydrate, an excellent decision for your athletic development.

Performance improvement

According to several studies, creatine has been shown to provide an increase in strength and athletic performance of 5% to 15%. Which makes it a great option for high intensity sports such as cycling in its disciplines, downhill, BMX, track, athletics and swimming, in its more explosive disciplines such as jumping, speed and middle distance, etc. And in team sports like football, basketball, handball, etc. And like not all racket sports.

Add strength

As demonstrated by the US National Library of Medicine in its study, consuming creatine during an eight-week training period will be able to generate an increase in strength that provides ease of mobility

A lack of creatine in the body can lead to movement problems, decreased mental function, seizures and autism, so maintaining the correct levels of creatine in the body will help improve mobility.

Injury prevention

Creatine monohydrate is able to reduce injuries to ligaments, nerves, bones, tendons, muscles, prevents muscle cramps and reduces the frequency of dehydration.

Why buy Creatine Monohydrate in SANTA MADRE?

At SANTA MADRE we are experts in nutritional supplements that help you improve your performance and achieve your goals, and in the case of creatine monohydrate we are no exception.

Being creatine one of the most requested and used supplements in the world of "fitness", it is not only focused on it, its sporting uses being infinite, that's why it is one of our best products.

Pure Creatine is a pure creatine monohydrate, 100% natural, and which will be responsible for giving you that energy boost so famous of creatine, helping you to achieve your goals of muscle gain, strength and optimize your performance.

Buy Creatine Monohydrate in Santamadre and trust a brand with more than a decade of experience in the sector, being one of the leaders in this, and start achieving all your goals.

Online sale of SANTA MADRE creatine monohydrate for athletes at a discounted price

When should I take Creatine Monohydrate?

Creatine is a loading supplement, it is true that it does not matter what time of day to take it, for example after training it accompanies your protein shake, the ideal when buying Creatine Monohydrate is to take into account the fact that you must take it daily.

When do you start noticing the effects of creatine?

First of all, you should be aware that its effects will increase as you consume, for example, after a week, its effect will be more noticeable than the first day.

On the other hand, when it comes to gaining muscle mass, no progress will be noticed until after six weeks of consuming creatine monohydrate.

What results will you get by consuming Creatine Monohydrate?

This extra energy that creatine monohydrate provides will make you have greater resistance to efforts, such as sprints, repetitions of weight lifting.

It will also mean an increase in strength and mobility and an improvement in mood, which will also affect the motivation you present to train, perform exercises and feel good about yourself.

Purchasing creatine monohydrate and consuming it afterwards can also improve cognitive abilities, it also prevents bone and muscle loss.

How long should you take creatine monohydrate?

Although creatine monohydrate can be very useful and a great help in achieving goals, if certain guidelines are not followed it can also be harmful.

This supplement is directly focused on aiding in the performance of your workouts, keep in mind that being a loading supplement it is important to take it every day whether you train or not.

The intake can be maintained as long as we want our preparation to last, regardless of the time, as creatine is a natural substance in the body.

Although it is recommended to drink two liters of water a day in addition to purchasing creatine monohydrate, it should also be noted that it will be of great help during the periods in which it is consumed.

Can Creatine and Protein be taken together?

Although there is some fear, or respect for the idea of mixing these two supplements, as long as their consumption is responsible, there is nothing to fear, far from being harmful, both supplements are 100% safe , it can be very helpful to combine both substances.

Together they are able to achieve muscle gain in less time, but it should be taken into account that a proper and balanced diet must be maintained and supplements taken as an extra during training

If you make good use of them, they will be able to provide an increase in your performance and reduce the fatigue you may suffer during training, this protein and creatine blending treatment is usually seen in the physical preparations of soccer players, tennis players, athletics, cycling, etc.

We take this opportunity to remind you that if you are thinking of buying Creatine Monohydrate and Protein, you will find the highest quality and many other top supplements in SANTA MADRE.

Creatine monohydrate and its benefits for the brain

Buying creatine monohydrate will not only help you in your sports performance, muscle building or increase strength, but will also provide you with brain energy.

What do we mean by brain energy? Well, with the replacement of ATP, which is a cellular unit of energy, that creatine provides, among all the benefits mentioned, it also assumes a basic function of the metabolic networks of the brain.

In conclusion, consuming creatine will also help you in your brain, improving memory, intelligence and contributing to faster mental processing

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