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In the world of running shoes "traditional" (i.e. those that encourage a heel support-oriented) it is inevitable that you'll encounter in the Brooks Glycerin. Let's talk about the "gotha" of running shoe, the imprescindibii to try.

The soft support

The softness is the first impression that try, accompanied by the perception of an ever-present support. Foot level (terribly important) support in turning (i.e. the path that makes the foot when the support from the heel to the tip).

No seams in the upper and breathable enough tissue: in this case is the norm for high-end shoes.

Everything contributes to a snug fit, the foot is bandaged from shoe, whatever your foot. The Glycerin 11 are available both narrow-plan (B) normal (D). The lacing system is always safe, even excessively: the 6 eyelets to laces must be governed well and until you find the right "balance" run the risk of having the shoe that tightens a bit on the instep. But after the first 30/40 km you will be definitely comfortable.

And aesthetics? Is beautiful, certainly don't want to bring the chromatic innovation but the graphics are nice. Basically no one has ever said that you have to make a color 8 shoe because it is beautiful. :)

The soft stride

Everything flows smoothly, even running. DNA midsole supports properly, always guaranteeing support and cushioning. In slower workouts, when resting your foot is like being on the grass, while – accelerating – responsiveness and precision sovereign reign. Surely the sole-full-length ecosystem is the most remarkable positively Brooks Glycerin 11.

The perfect shoe for the runner Italian

Seeing the sales statistics, protective shoes and traditional setting are the "first choices" by almost all Italian runner. In other words, we like the protective shoe, that "do you feel", maybe a little heavy but that gives us the tranquility in security support. In this the Glycerin are perfect. Personally I would have preferred some gram (perceived) less but this is really my very personal opinion.

In Conclusion

A high-end shoe, perfect for long workouts and for all the most common uses – from repeated competitions, depends obviously from what weights. List the Brooks Glycerin 11 cost 160 €, a price aligned to direct competition. You can buy online from MOTUS at the price of euro 128 by clicking here

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