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I thought to do some performance testing before the new season.As evidence it makes more sense for triathletes?

Before you spend your hard-earned cash on a test, you should know what you hope to get from the test, how do you use the information and what are the limitations of the test.When the test is done periodically throughout the season, each test can be compared with the previous one to help you and your coach to determine whether the approach to training is improving your fitness.

In an ideal world, every athlete can obtain test results VO2max, lactate and field tests three or four times during the year, but they are just too expensive.So which test is right for you?

Lactate testing
The aim is to assess your lactate threshold to help create training areas and to measure the response to training, if carried out throughout the year.Athletes must hop on a treadmill or on a stationary bike, the intensity increases every few minutes, and a small bite of blood is taken for each incremental step.

Since VO2max is not a predictor of performance, is less functional than a lactate test.However, many people are simply curious to learn their VO2max.Additional data, such as any patient and anaerobic thresholds can be computed in such a way as to set training zones.The test protocol is the same as that of lactate test, except that instead of taking a drop of blood, the athletes must wear a mask to measure the gases exhaled from the lungs.This test is more beneficial if done in conjunction with a lactate test.

DIY test
Main disadvantages of lab tests are the cost (usually $ 100 each) and the inconvenience involved.Alternatively, home field trials are free and sometimes equally benefits.Time 20.30 efforts or 60 minutes or a 5 k or 10 k race pace can be done frequently and can serve as a functional assessment of your current fitness level.

Choose a test method that is within your budget, bearing in mind that repeat tests during training cycles is more useful than doing a single test in low season.If VO2max or lactate test you intrigued, you can find a local lab or a coach who can run and collect as much data as possible from it.If you only want to track the progress, field trials will give you practical information and free.

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