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Choose whether your arms to do most of the work in water to save his legs for knowingly bike and race that have yet to come?Alan Rapley, swim the British Triathlon Federation consultant, explains why it is better to focus on the efficiency of gambata etc..
The gambata in the water is the element he many triathletes neglect neila their preparation, but the legs are an important factor in all levels and types of performance and does not train them is a mistake.
The mindset of most people is ' I need to save his legs for the bike and the run, so I'll just use the arms in swimming and I drag my legs '.But you should change this thought: ' more efficient is my gambata and I will be more effective in swimming, saving my energy levels for the bike and run. '
Now I'm not saying that you should use a gambata of six-shots throughout the race, but you should train to be able to use a gambata six-shots, if necessary, to get out of trouble or change the time.
The legs should set the time of your swimming, and arms should fit around to the beat of gambata, so therefore to use an efficient gambata to two or four bars to keep constant the speed of your arms when you're in the clear waters.
Here are some good set to be processed, with front-crawl and a Tablet for each set ...
-20 x 50 metres, alternating legs one at maximal effort with one easy, with 15secs of rest in between.
-18 x 50 metres, alternating legs one to medium effort with two high effort15secs rest
-15 x 100 feet, legs, increasing stress on three repetitions.Repeat five times.20 sec rest intervals.
If you train constantly on gambata-i.e. two sessions per week-you'll notice pretty quickly that swimming speed improves cruise, but you will feel as if your legs were contributing less.So the key is to work your legs harder and thicker to allow yourself to be more efficient in a race.
(by 220 triathlon magazine)
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